About The Pearfect Journey
I know some of you all must have wondered why I named my page The Pearfect Journey.
“The Pearfect Journey” is how l would summarize my relationship with my husband, Fady.
I met my now-husband playing Ping-Pong at the St. Mark COC Youth Meeting.
One day he gave a lecture about how to create your best resume and what you should and shouldn’t do.
He was very careful drafting his own resume but ended up submitting one with a typo; “pear” pressure instead of “peer” pressure.
Later that day, we texted about it and I just couldn’t let it go as you can see in the screenshot.
“Pearfect” is how our life together went from that day forward.
Perfection, but altered and tailored to us. To our likeness and desire.
We all know perfection doesn’t exist, but why does perfection even matter when it sometimes isn’t what you’re personally looking for.
My perfect may not be your perfect and vice versa.
The Pearfect Journey is just that.
It all started with planning our pearfect wedding.
And now you can take me along your journey that is revolved around you and your wants and desires.
Around your “pearfection;” whatever it may be.